This WP will focus on obtaining the highest level of qualitative and quantitative information on the reference materials (also subjected to artificial ageing) by conventional and robust methods.
In WP3 bulk microanalytical analysis techniques will be optimized to provide quantitative data of the reference plastic composition for the validation and the calibration of the NI approach developed in WP4. Furthermore, a workflow will be implemented to widen the range of information on composition obtainable using a minimum amount of material in case of micro-sample availability.

In detail:

  • Thermoanalytical techniques will be used in combination with mass spectrometry such as analytical pyrolysis online with gas chromatography and mass spectrometric detection (Py-GC-MS) 
  • evolved gas analysis interfaced with mass spectrometric detection (EGA-MS) 
  • thermal analysis (TGA, DSC, TGA-GC-MS). EGA-MS will provide information on the molecular composition of the samples by discriminating polymer mixtures by their thermal properties.  
  • Solid and liquid state NMR spectroscopy for providing information on the chemical composition of polymer samples and determining compositional changes due to ageing and degradation

This approach will enable also us to evaluate the modification of the formulation of complex mixtures regarding the loss of additives, such as phthalate plasticizers, as well as to define the degree of crosslinking or depolymerization of reference materials subjected to artificial ageing.

Polymers are even more present in the field of cultural heritage, just considering the contemporary art installations and modern objects, as well as, the role that polymers play as protecting agents, binders, and resins. An analytical technique able to characterize and quantify complex samples and organic mixtures, and to determine the polymers’ microstructure is the high-resolution multinuclear liquid-state NMR spectroscopy (NMR spectroscopy). 

Polymeric materials are subjected to ageing and degradation processes that can be deeply analysed through NMR spectroscopy thus proving important information usable in understanding the state of preservation of cultural heritage objects based on polymers. Moreover, NMR data may provide advice on how to deal with the conservation and restoration process of artistic objects.

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